About Us

About Us

The North Dakota Lottery is responsible for administering, regulating, enforcing, and promoting the state's lottery.

The Lottery selects and licenses retailers, trains employees of retailers to use lottery terminals, sell tickets, and redeem winning tickets, assists retailers in promoting lottery games, pays high-tier prizes to players, and ensures that retailers and players comply with the lottery law and rules.

The North Dakota Lottery conducts five multistate games:

Advisory Commission

The Commission primarily serves as a policy advisor to the Attorney General and Director of the North Dakota Lottery and serves as the Audit Committee of the Lottery. The Commission provides an independent perspective on issues and operation of the Lottery and presents ideas and recommends solutions while representing the best interests of the state, public, and lottery industry. The Commission's recommendations are highly considered by the Attorney General.

The Commission may access the resources of the Office of Attorney General. It will rely on the Director to provide the Commission with vital data, progress reports, research, quarterly and annual financial statements, and information related to critical success factors for the Commission's review. The Commission does not prepare documents, but rather reviews or critiques documents that are prepared for the Commission's consideration. Its budget is contained in the Office of Attorney General's appropriation.

The Commission will meet at least on a quarterly basis.

The Attorney General and Director will consult with the Commission on substantive policies, plans, issues, contracts, timelines, and activities of the Lottery, including:

  • Selecting retailers.
  • Proposing new games.
  • Hiring a lottery director.
  • Proposing laws and rules.
  • Drafting legislative reports.
  • Proposing surveys or studies.
  • Developing a mission statement, logo, and slogan.
  • Developing point-of-sale decals, brochures, banners, and posters.
  • Developing the organization structure and employing key employees.
  • Proposing ceremonial launches of games or celebrated anniversaries.
  • Selecting vendors for the on-line gaming system and marketing services.
  • Proposing advertising, marketing, promotional, and educational campaigns.
  • Proposing policies on monetary fines, license suspensions and revocations, and sales incentive programs.
Member Name Work County Appt. Date Term Ends
Hanson, Karla Rose 701-793-9181 Cass 07/01/2024 06/30/2027
Hanson, Russ 701-223-2770 Burleigh 07/01/2024 06/30/2027
Barta, Jeff 701-787-1188 Grand Forks 07/01/2023 06/30/2026
O’Brien, Emily 952-693-3109 Grand Forks 07/01/2023 06/30/2026
Rud, Mike 701-223-3370 Burleigh 07/01/2022 06/30/2025

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